Sermon Archives

Pastor Sheri Greene
June 11, 2023

We Need Each Other – Part 5: Life of David

Pastor Sheri teaches Part 5 in her series on Discipleship & digs into the life of David. What causes us to get isolated in life? David had to overcome isolation too, but couldn’t do it alone. God sent some of the most unlikely people into his life to help him find healing, victory & purpose.

June 4, 2023

We Need Each Other Part 4: Moses & Joshua

Pastor Sheri teaches Part 4 in her series on Discipleship & digs into the life of Moses.  Ever feel like your suffering from career or ministry burn out? Moses found himself at a cross roads in ministry burn out too.  Taking on a disciple, Joshua, to mentor, not only changed the course of a young man’s life, but changed the course of history for a nation.

May 30, 2023

We Need Each Other Part 3: Buried Treasure

Pastor Sheri teaches Part 3 in her series on Discipleship.  Every single one of us has not just the same opportunity, but responsibility to leverage our life experiences, stories & spiritual journey with Jesus for the benefit of someone coming along behind us.  Let’s pray & ask Holy Spirit to show us someone who might just be a little younger in age or hasn’t walked with the lord as long that we can do life with & pour into. We’re all called to be mentors, spiritual mothers & fathers to this generation.  What are you going to do, with the treasure that is YOU?

May 21, 2023

We Need Each Other Part 2: Elijah and Elisha

Why do so many people fight a sense of loneliness & purposelessness even as Christians? We often get so wrapped up in our small worlds, we forget we’re meant to overflow & connect with people around us in deep meaningful relationships.  Sadly, we tend to limit that overflow into only familiar, convenient & comfortable vessels that surround us in family, church departments or close friends. Pastor Sheri digs into the topic of modern discipleship & mentorship & the lives of Elijah & Elisha & how everything changed for the better when they got connected.  

May 14, 2023

We Need Each Other Part 1: Ruth & Naomi

It’s so important for the older generation to get together with the younger. It’s vital for us all to see outside our own troubles & purposefully look to encourage, love & pour into someone else, even if we’re hurting.  They may very well need it more than we do.  Healing often comes through broken vessels. In faith, as we allow Holy Spirit to flow through us into others, both heal & transform. Holy Spirit loves to celebrate healing & restoration as Spirit of Adoption rises & thrives in body of Christ. Let’s learn from the inspiring story of Naomi & Ruth. 

May 7, 2023

Breaking Through Fear To The Promised Land

Fear is the greatest hinderance of possessing the promises of God. Deep down many Christians are afraid that God really won’t do what He promised in His word for them. Pastor Sheri digs into to the keys to breaking through into the promised land & overcoming fear.

March 26, 2023

Break Free From Doubt

Have you ever been overwhelmed in a season of doubt in life & felt like you missed it & ruined your life? Pastor Sheri Builds on her last message on Unbelief, in this next sermon on how to break free from a dark season of tail spinning doubt. 

February 12, 2023

Breakthrough Blocker’s pt.4 : Unbelief

Pastor Sheri teaches Part 4 in her “Breakthrough Blockers” series. Learn how to clear out sources of unbelief in our lives that counteract & disconnect our faith to try to steal our breakthrough.

February 5, 2023

Breakthrough Blockers: Part 3 Sense of Unworthiness & Shame

Pastor Sheri is continuing in Part 4 of her “Breakthrough Blockers” series this Sunday. You can still catch up on the last 3 messages in the link below. Learn how to kick shame & sense of unworthiness for breakthrough to receive all the great things God has for you in life.

November 27, 2022

Breakthrough Blockers Part 2: Prophetic Acts of Obedience

Pastor Sheri teaches Part 2 in her “Breakthrough Blockers” series. Doing hard things by God’s grace empowerment through faith creates greatest breakthroughs! Joyful obedience demolishes road blocks to answered prayers & healing. Pastor Sheri digs into the significance of how God uses prophetic acts of obedience to bring miraculous breakthrough in the Bible.

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