Sermon Archives

Pastor Sheri Cashman
November 24, 2019

Getting Over Our Fear of Heights

Are you standing at the bottom of the “Mountain of Meeting” with God? Do you find yourself thinking, “If I can just figure out how to get to the top, a higher place with the Lord?” You know there’s MORE to this Christian walk, but you keep circling the mountain. Pastor Sheri reminds us to not settle for less at the bottom of the mountain. There’s always MORE of God to press into!  Jesus is calling us upward into MORE of Him! It’s time to get over our fear of heights & draw near to Him for the greatest adventure of your life: a close intimate lifelong journey with Jesus. 

October 20, 2019

War Horse Part 2: Contagious Courage

Pastor Sheri teaches Part 2 in her “War Horse” series on the power of contagious supernatural courage. What happens when ordinary people confront giants of opposition in life? Do we play by the status quo rules of this worlds system or follow the leading of the Holy Spirit? Do we persevere or give up? Do we strike back the same way we were attacked or forgive? There is a great connection between boldness & the demonstrations of power that follow! Supernatural courage takes you places that nothing else can.

October 13, 2019

War Horse Part 1: Strength in Praise

Pastor Sheri teaches Part 1 in her “War Horse” series & reminds us to choose to run into battle praising God, no matter how rough the circumstances. After all, victory will be won not by your own strength, but by the Lord’s might! When we praise God before we get the answer, then the Lord fills our praise with double fruitfulness, bounty & strength. 

September 1, 2019

Holy Spirit Part 9: Prophesy Grace for the Race

Pastor Sheri teaches Part 9 in her Holy Spirit Series & dives deeper into how to give a prophetic word of encouragement. We all need “Runny Buddies” to encourage & cheer us on during our weakest moments in our race of life. We need to stay connected, “jointed together” with a community of believers, our church family so we’re not tempted to give up & quit on what the Lord is calling us to do. We are commissioned by God to find those who are struggling in their race & to prophesy & declare the promises of God from his Word over their lives.  

August 25, 2019

Holy Spirit Part 8: Declaring The Gold

Pastor Sheri teaches Part 8 in her Holy Spirit Series & dives deeper into how to give a prophetic word of encouragement. We must chose to see the gold in the midst of the dirt of someone’s life.  Learn how to handle tough, negative personality types &  help them to encounter God’s plan for their life.

June 30, 2019

Holy Spirit Part 7: Running Into Divine Appointments

Pastor Sheri taught Part 7 in her Holy Spirit series & dives deeper into how to be led into divine appointments & how to hear the voice of the holy spirit more clearly for yourself & others.

June 13, 2019

Holy Spirit Part 6: Overflowing at the Well

Pastor Sheri taught Part 6 in her Holy Spirit Series on Pentecost Sunday 9th. Learn how to start a spirit led conversation & give a prophetic word of encouragement. Let’s follow Jesus’s example with the woman at the well. 

May 19, 2019

Holy Spirit Part 5: “Speaking to Us & Through Us”

Pastor Sheri teaches Part 5 in her series, “Speaking to Us & Through Us,” & shows us how we ALL can be led by the Holy Spirit to give a prophetic word of encouragement to someone. Just as Jesus was moved with compassion to minister to lost & distressed people, we too can be led by the Holy Spirits love & compassion to minister to someone. Just like in the parable of “The Good Samaritan,” it’s so important that we stop what we are doing to minister strength, encouragement & comfort to hurting people. After all, we are the answer to their prayers, as the hands, feet & mouthpiece of Jesus on the earth! 

April 14, 2019

Holy Spirit Part 4: Tongues for Personal Prayer & Direction

Pastor Sheri teaches part 4 in her series, “Holy Spirit: Untying Tongues.”  Building on a foundation of  having the heart of the Holy Spirit for Unity & “the Lost,” we can clarify the purpose of tongues & learn to flow powerfully in this free gift of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.  For some reason […]

April 7, 2019

Holy Spirit Part 3 – Untying Tongues for Intercession

Pastor Sheri teaches part 3 in her series, “Holy Spirit: Untying Tongues.”  Building on a foundation of  having the heart of the Holy Spirit for Unity & “the Lost,” we can clarify the purpose of tongues & learn to flow powerfully in this free gift of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.  For some reason […]

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